Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Word on Frozen Crab Meat

A snotty uptown socialite commented on ChowHound New Orleans that she wouldn't eat frozen crab meat if it were given to her. She probably isn't even from New Orleans or Louisiana.  She certainly did not grow up eating seafood.  Crab fishermen themselves stock their freezers with frozen hand-picked crabmeat. Then again, I don't think this lady has ever met a crab fisherman.

Look at this beautiful hand-picked (previously frozen) crab meat!

You could freeze it, throw it in the bayou, fish it back out, take it on a four-wheeler ride and it would still be one of the best tasting things you've ever had.

When I say local I don't mean some market in Kenner. I mean that I know the fisherman who pull the seafood out of the water!

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