Monday, August 29, 2011

Hard to Celebrate

I was born 28 years ago today. My hometown was destroyed 6 years ago today.  I will forever share my birthday with the darkest day in St. Bernard’s recent history. 2005 was certainly a year of endings and new beginnings. I thought graduating undergrad and embarking on a journey at UNC law school would be the hallmarks of 2005. I wish I had been right.  Instead, I watched under a Carolina Blue sky as Hurricane Katrina stole our city. She mercilessly flooded our homes, killed our citizens, and took our sanity. She tried to take our spirits, and in some cases, she succeeded.  I never thought I’d say this, but I miss St. Bernard Parish, the way it was.

When people die, survivors try to focus on celebrating their life.  It’s hard to celebrate the life of a place. Quite frankly, it’s hard to celebrate anything at all.  My plan was to end this post with something uplifting, something encouraging, and a bit of hope, but I’m just not feeling it. Fuck you Katrina for stealing my birthday!


  1. Regardless of what was destroyed- Katrina didn't take YOUR spirit. Happy, happy, birthday to my dearest friend. While you might not want to celebrate your birthday, I will celebrate it because I'm thankful you're my friend :) Love you!

  2. Thanks Mere! I love you too! I wrote this post this morning before the outpouring of birthday wishes and love on FB, so I feeling uplifted thanks to my friends and family!
